Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song

What a slap in the face! I went out with Dane (college friend, another Mr. Executive) last week and we had a good time again (or so I thought). It was our third night out together, and, although, I am not thinking long term with him, I did enjoy another night of cavorting and carefree kisses under the covers. So, here it is: Valentine's weekend, and I haven't heard a word from him. I don't expect much, mind you, but a call or email would be nice. So, I shot him an email "Hope your week is going well." And I get a call back. He asks if I have my son this weekend. I take that as "Do you want to go out?" So, I tell him I don't have my son Saturday night (which is true, although I have not made any plans yet - pathetic, I know). He asks if I would like to do some work for his company to make some extra cash. What!? Work - on Saturday night, which happens to be Valentine's night - I don't think so. I mean, I know I need a job, but really! Does he really think I am that desperate for money? And, is he just going to ignore the fact that we have been sleeping together and it is Valentine's weekend?! So, I told him I don't like the idea of working a Saturday night, but that I would get back to him if I could find someone to watch my son during the day. But really, I have no desire to go work at his office on Valentine's Day. How lousy did that make me feel? I think I should just blow him off and shoot him another email that says I can't do it. Then, I should just go out with Mr. Nice Guy, who, of course, has been asking me out for weeks. What would you do?

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