Thursday, September 4, 2008

Charlotte vs. Samantha

I b
elieve I suffer from a battle between my Charlotte side and my Samantha side. The Charlotte in me dreams of finding "the one", the guy that sweeps you off your feet, the white knight. Then there is my Samantha side that just wants to act like a guy and have fun without a care as to whether they call or not. Charlotte is sweet and innocent, naive and vulnerable to hurt. Samantha is sexy, carefree, and dynamic. I find that with some guys my Charlotte comes out and with others Samantha comes out loud and clear. Maybe its the Pisces in me. Which one are you? Which one do you think guys go for?


Mrs. in May said...

Hey Peaches!!!
I have to say I am more of a Carrie vs. Charlotte gal maybe a splash of Samantha every now and then but that's more through some of my occasional sassy remarks.
Love the site!
Mrs in May -

peachofatl said...

Thanks. What makes you a Carrie? Do you have a site?

Single Mom Seeking said...

Great question. And I think that was the genius of those Sex and the City producers: that we find parts of ourselves in more than on character, right?

At certain times of the month, I'm Samantha (if you catch my drift)... and my friends keep accusing me of being more like Carrie.

Unknown said...

great! original article!

keep posting,

Nikki-Rae Alkema said...

If I had to choose between those two, I am more of a Samantha. I love attention from attractive men, and I do not believe in white picket fences (or in C's case gorgeous flats in Home & Gardens). However, out of all the characters, I am definitely a Carrie. I am conflicted, thoughtful, and love the idea of love but not willing to sacrifice who I am to get it. Plus, I love to write!

peachofatl said...

I guess I fit Carrie too. I also am conflicted, thoughtful and love to write. And I definitely won't change who I am for a man. I might even have a little Miranda in me. I definitely have a no-nonsense approach.

Miss Heather Leigh said...

Hmmm. I am definitely a Charlotte. Hands down. Even though I've tried to be a Samantha.